Carrie & Grant Michaelson     Esparto, CA 530-650-1898

Training and socializing are so important, we do what we can to start them on their way to be well rounded citizens. We start ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) on day 3 and when they are up and about start rules of 7 socializing. Both of these tools are in cooperated in Puppy Culture, which we were thrilled to stumble across. To find out more about these training and socializing techniques please find links on our other pages. We encourage puppy families to check out puppy culture as this is a program they can continue, once your puppy has focus it is amazing how quickly training comes along. We have a blast looking for new items to add to our items to socialize and stimulate them.

They are also very used to having nails dremeled, laying on back and having teeth checked. Its so important to have good manners as its not long before they are over 100lbs.

For local families we have a training class in Dixon Wednesday nights, weather permitting. This class is for the most part basic obedience, for those that are looking to show conformation, obedience/rally/agility the classes can be tailored to fit your needs. For more info. email me at and I can give you class info and connect you with the instructor.

We also have started an Intermediate Obedience on Thursday nights in Dixon, Drop ins are welcome, for details please contact. 

Raising a Dane puppy isn't quite like any other breed. Danes aren't a large breed, they are a giant breed. Please make sure to read our Nutrition and care page as well as links attached. We are in the process of rebuilding our website so will continue to add new information, links and update pictures.

Below you can see pictures and charts showing a puppies open growth plates and how it is so easy for injury to occur.