Carrie & Grant Michaelson     Esparto, CA 530-650-1898

Show Record:

  • 7/20-21/24 IABCA, 5 top scores for her INT/Nat’l Honors Baby CH, two puppy group 1’s and a Puppy Group 2, best in show puppy and reserve best in show puppy. 
  • 9/21/24 AKC 4-6 Woodland Best of Breed and a Group 1 Mrs. Judy Harrington, 9/22 Group 3 
  • 10/26/24 AKC Dells Valle KC Santa Rosa Best of Breed owner handler under Mrs. Sandra Pretari Hickson
  • 10/27/24 AKC Delle Valle KC Santa Rosa Best of Breed owner handler and winners bitch under Ms. Denise Flaim
  • 11/8/24 AKC Napa RWB Mr. Adrian Woodfork, 11/9/24 Mrs. Faye Strauss RWB 

BPIS, RBPIS INT/Nat’l Honors Baby CH GEM Booey’s Bougie Big Foot 


BISSOH, MBPISS(2), MBVISS(4), ​Int/Nat’l CH, UKC CH, Am GCH CH Northernaire’s GEM Baba Booey, CHIC, AOM(2), FDC, ATT, CGC, TKN, VHM x Bigfoot Legend Dublin’s Liberty

AKC# WS83333905