Carrie & Grant Michaelson     Esparto, CA 530-650-1898

Boo’s offspring pictured below

Boo is out of GCH Show Stoppers Looking Like a Million Bucks, "Morocco" and GCH Northernaire's Shakin Not Stirred, "Martini". Boo is a proven producer of quality get, he has produced Danes that have gone on to their Championships and other titles. He is available to select approved bitches. Look for him in the veterans ring next year!

Show Record:

  • 5/12/18 AKC Yuba City 4-6 Month WD and Best of Opposite
  • 7/13/18 AKC Monterey Bay KC Wins his first Major at 6 months!
  • 7/13/18 AKC Monterey Bay KC Wins Major Reserve at 6 months old
  • 7/28-7/29/18 Dixon International 5 Top ratings, 2 best of breed Puppy and a Group 3, Boo is now a Int Nat Honors Puppy Champion
  • 8/4/18 AKC Dixon Boo wins his very competitive class of 6 Puppies
  • 9/1/18 AKC GrassValley Wins his puppy class 6-9 and goes on to take WD for Two Points
  • 9/16/18 Boo is recognized as an AKC Puppy of Achievement 
  • 10/7/18 AKC Donner Trail Kennel Club Wins his 9-12 month class and goes on to take WD for Two Points
  • 10/28/18 AKC Sac Valley Dog Fanciers Wins his 9-12 Month Class and goes on to take Best of Winners, Best of Breed Owner Handler and Best of Breed! 2 More points. 
  • 12/2/18 AKC San Joaquin Kennel Club Reserve Winners Dog
  • 1/11-1/12/19 UKC California Classic 4 Best Male, 2 Best of Breed and a Group 4. Boo is now UKC Pointed. 
  • 3/16/19 RWD Shasta Kennel Club
  • 3/17/19 WD Shasta Kennel Club
  • 5/17/19 WD Coyote Hills Kennel Club
  • 5/18/19 WD Coyote Hills Kennel Club
  • 7/20-7/21/19 Dixon International 5 Top scores, BOB show #1, Boo is a International Adult Champion
  • 8/4/19 AKC Richmond Dog Fanciers WD for a Major, BOW and BOB owner handled Boo is now an AKC Champion
  • 10/26/19 AKC Dixon Sacremento Valley KC, first time in ring as a CH, takes Select Dog and BOB Owner Handler under Philip Martin
  • 12/2/19 AKC Stockton Best of Breed and BOB owner handler, group 3 owner handler ears more points toward his Grand
  • 3/12/20 AKC Anderson, Select Dog, more points toward his Grand, Earns his Farm Dog Title
  • 3/15/20 AKC Anderson, Boo ears his Temperament Title
  • 5/1-5/2/21 UKC Boo gets 4 best male, Best of Breed and a group 2 and two group 3’s
  • 5/15/21 AKC Gridley, Two Cities Kennel Club, select dog and Best of breed owner handler
  • 5/13/21 AKC Gridley, Two Cities Kennel Club, Best of breed and Best of breed owner handler
  • 10/17/21 AKC Angels Camp Select Dog
  • 10/30-10/31/21 AKC Sac Valley Dog Fanciers, back to back best of breeds, back to back best of breed owner handler, tests and receives his CGC and TKN
  • 11/26/21 AKC Monterey Great Dane Speciality, Two Best Stud dog awards 
  • 3/25/22 AKC Best of breed owner handler and Select Dog San Mateo Kennel club Vallejo
  • 5/21/22 AKC Select Dog and Best of breed owner handler at Coyote Kennel club Turlock
  • 5/22/22 AKC Select Dog and Best of breed Owner handler at Coyote Kennel Club Turlock
  • 7/8/23 AKC Lost Coast Kennel Club Ferndale Select Dog under Mrs. Donnelle Richards
  • 7/9/23 AKC Lost Coast Kennel Club Ferndale Select Dog underMr. James Reynolds 
  • 12/09/23 AKC Woodland Best of Breed owner handled Mrs. Patricia Nemirovsky De Alsina
  • 12/10/23 AKC Woodland Best of Breed owner handled Mr. Jon R. Cole
  • 4/13/24 AKC Great Dane club of California, under Dick Schaefer, Select dog for a Major getting his Grand and best Veteran
  • 4/13-4/14/24 AKC Great Dane Club of California, 4 best in show stud dogs
  • 4/27/24 AKC NorCal Great Dane Speciality AOM and Best Veteran under Tom Davis
  • 4/28/24 AKC NorCal Great Dane Speciality AOM, Best Veteran and Best Stud dog under Jennifer Bell
  • 4/29/24 AKC Monterey Great Dane club speciality Best of Breed owner handled and Best Veteran under Peter Gaeta 

BISSOH, MBPISS(2), MBVISS(4),  Int/Nat’l Hnrs CH , UKC CH, American GCH CH Northernaire's GEM Baba Booey, CHIC, AOM(2), FDC, ATT, CGC, TKN, VHM


​(AKC Puppy of Achievement)



UKC# P878-914

OFA Heart Normal GD-CA5179/18M/P-PI

​OFA Heart Echo Normal GD-ACA896/21M-VPI

OFA Hips Good GD-15042G25M-VPI

​OFA Elbows Normal GD-EL3791M25-VPI

​OFA Thyroid Normal GD-TH4389/18M-VPI

​OFA Dentation Full GD-DE262/18M-VPI

OFA Eyes Normal GD-EYE3965/76M-VPI

​AKC DNA #V962789